"and we labor, working with our own hands." 1Co 4.12
HANDS - Helping Agricultural New Development and Sustainability - a program of Agape Community Transformation (ACT) The goal from the beginning has been to help, and the HANDS team has taken various approaches over the years to help address local agricultural needs. When people depend upon their small parcels of land to grow crops for their family's immediate needs, there are many challenges. Over the years, we have come to better understand some of the many challenges that local Muko growers face. In the beginning, HANDS had a vision of purchasing land and establishing a demonstration farm to showcase newer crop varieties and improve production practices, while also generating income to support operations. Right away this idea hit a snag because land was incredibly expensive. Perhaps not so surprising in a community where most families rely on what they can grow to provide their daily food. But the high cost of land is a significant barrier for local farmers to add to their land h...