ACT as Educational Administrators

 Generous Turinawe, ACT Uganda Director, shares...

Muko High School shortly after ACT became involved

It was 2016 when Muko High School closed before the end of term and I learned that it had reached the age of failure in administration operations. ACT had a number of sponsored students who among others went home with no report cards and I wondered what to do next. I called the ACT board to discuss the issue and we resolved to sell the idea of helping the school by signing an MOU with the Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi to the ACT US Board and also approach the Bishop for a partnership.Bishop Bagamahunda was excited by this idea. The ACT US Board needed to carry out a due diligence on how possible it could be running a school in Uganda and under the Church. 

In 2017, a team from the US came to Uganda and were taken to some schools operating under Churches in Kampala, Jinja and Muko to learn from them and also visited the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of Education and Sports at the Ministry of Education offices in Kampala. They were give a warm welcome and attention. The team learned about the education system in Uganda and all the questions they had were answered.

On the 2nd day of December 2017, the team from the US together with ACT Uganda Board met with the Diocesan Bishop and education department team to discuss the partnership and agreed. That is when the Memorandum of Understanding was signed. The MOU was running for 3 years beginning with January 2018 to December 2020. We started on the journey of improving the school with the purpose of restoring it and making it a model school. COVID 19 interrupted our activities as the schools shut down. At that time, Bishop Bagamahunda requested ACT to renew the MOU in order to complete our goal in Muko High School. He asked for four more years which will end in December 2024. We agreed and continued with the work. A lot has been accomplished. 

In front of the Administration Building

New Drinking Water System installed

New Science Lab nearly completed!

At the present time we have done all and even surpassed what was expected of us. We are grateful that there are many fruits produced and harvested to the level of having a student qualify for a Government Scholarship after passing his Senior 6 national exams with high scores. This is the first time ever since MHS began and this student was an ACT HONORS Scholar. Big thanks to every donor that has helped us reach our goal and beyond in this partnership.

- Generous Turinawe, ACT Uganda Director

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