Looking to the Future!
ACT started in 2003 with the letter from Richard Turinawe to me. ACT is nearly 20 years strong! As the years pass by, not only does the organization age, but so do all it's constituents. I remember when I first "met" Richard and Generous over email, they had one new baby - Jesse. Now Jesse is nearly as old as ACT and they have 3 more wonderful kids: Jorryn (our God daughter), Josiah and Joash. As we look into the future, much as we don't want to admit it, we are all growing older - especially those of us involved on the US side! Our board, with the exception of one younger professional are mostly retired. I acknowledge the trips to Uganda at one time were less taxing on me than they are now. We know we won't always be around and are seriously planning how to address that - more younger folks involved in the US... having the Ugandan partners take on more of what we do... setting up social businesses in Muko whose revenue will not only pay wages but sustain ACT...