A Precious Connection

 In 2013, I spoke with Karen and Dave Viele, when attending First Presbyterian Church of Holt, Michigan, regarding ACT Uganda. Karen said to me that they went to Uganda and were going again. It didn't take much for me to immediately say, "I want to go to Uganda with you the next time." The following year, Karen surprised me with a check from our church's mission group to go towards my visit! I was shocked and then realized that my wanting to go was about to come true.

Travel Team 2014, Diana is at far right

In the year 2014, I began preparing for my trip by meeting with the travel group in order to know about cultural differences, travel expectations and the Ugandan staff I would meet. That day came later that year for my inquisitive mind to walk with the Ugandan friends 22 travel hours later. The travel team arrived late at night at the airport in Entebbe. What will it be like when I walk out of the airport with my team and many suitcases? When I looked out the window of the airport, it was like time stood still. I noticed a whole new world was about to become my new world. 

Fast forward to 2023, I have experienced education of Ugandans on how they live, what they have that is like me and what is different from my world. As humans, we are all the same. I was impressed with their love of God and there is no doubt Ugandans put God first in their lives. They not only believe in God, the Father almighty, they live, walk and talk about their faith every day. I have traveled to Muko a total of 6 times in the last 9 years and truly call the ACT staff my forever friends. 

Precious and Diana

On my first visit, my heart was full with the idea of sponsoring a child so that s(he) would have the opportunity to attend school with tuition, room and board and medical paid for. This beautiful person is Precious Arinda. Karen and I traveled in a taxi (had no handles on the doors in the back seat) to Precious' home where I asked her if I could sponsor her so that she could attend school. We had many hugs and I had tears of happiness that I could give her the gift of education and, of course, Precious was very happy. Precious has attended primary and secondary school over the years. She is currently in the middle of her second year of a nursing program. Precious tells me she will graduate in June, 2024.

ACT US Board in 2021, Diana on right in front row

After my first visit I was voted to be an ACT US Board member in Midland, MI. A short while later I was asked to lead the women that sew handcrafts both in Midland and Muko. In the last few years, I am now the Team Leader of Uniquely Uganda Handcrafts which includes making sure our inventory in Michigan is well rounded with baskets, jewelry and handmade items from African fabric. Because of my sewing background, this assignment has brought me to teach certain patterns to the ladies in Muko and Michigan.

  Diana teaching the Muko women to sew a pattern. 
When there isn't much power, a cell phone will do!

Today I will be forever grateful that my heart and mind is full with new friends but mostly, the trips to Uganda have given me new views and how my friends and I stand together side by side in making Muko a sustainable Sub County of 74 villages!

Diana Stubig, ACT US Board Member, Team Leader, Uniquely Uganda Handcrafts

We urgently need more donors to contribute to scholarships. We have lost some donors and we will not take away scholarships from the students who have them. Can you help? $300 per year for a student or ANY amount you can contribute!  

Click here to learn more

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  1. Love getting to read your story, Diana! It all makes such a difference!

  2. Inspiring! God uses our “gifts” in awesome ways, all fulfilling Kingdom dreams and practices of neighboring love.

  3. Sorry for the loss of some of the donors .God will pave away for the innocent,young and needy children through us ,mostly beneficiaries of ACT.By the end of the year,my pledge will be fulfilled.Thanks for being agreat chairperson,achair person with a vision.Every thing u have talked about is the truth.
    Yesterday I was at muko high school to attend awedding party of astaff member there Mr Rukundo Medard and I witnessed the good deeds of ACT,indeed you are transformers.
    God bless you.
    Unfortunately,as if I didn't see any ACT member there.I would have loved to see some of them there.Attending such social events can build more good image in the community.
    More greetings to ACT team in Midland


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