Face-to-Face for the First Time

Generous: A special year! It was September 2006 when we received Sue and John in our country. It was their first time to visit Uganda. They had mobilised funds to purchase an ambulance (Toyota Hiace Van) for the Ikamiro Bataka Lifeline Society, an association in one of the villages of Muko Sub County (Ikamiro Village) They had sent the money ahead of their trip to Chipper Adams (Chipper is an ex-pat American who grew up in Sub Saharan Africa with missionary parents). A day after their arrival, we headed to Chipper's home in Kampala to collect the ambulance and were excited to drive it to Muko and deliver it to the Ikamiro Bataka Lifeline! The Ambulance Chipper Adams suggested we take Christopher Nsereko, one of his most trusted drivers, who drove us well but on reaching Masaka (about 2 hours from Kampala), the vehicle broke down. We were all safe. This challenge caused us to sleep over in one of the hotels in Masaka Town while the car was in the garage to be fixed. (We consider Chr...