His Name is Moses

My name is Moses Kamushaba. I am a Boda Boda driver (motocycle taxi) at Muko Market. One day I was transporting one of the HANDS team members heading out to distribute the iron rich bean seeds to farmers in Kabere Parish in March of 2021. 

I sat there on my motorcycle as farmers in that group received the knowledge about iron rich beans agronomy and the seeds for planting. The Team Leader talked about crop spacing and how local farmers can utilize the small plots of land they own for their household as far as crop and nutrition is concerned. 

Moses Kamushaba seated on his motorcycle in 2021 listening to the ACT presentation

One time I asked Onesmas if I can get a chance of receiving the seeds so that I try it at home. I received 3 kgs of iron rich beans at the ACT Resource Center in September of 2022. Onesmas further taught me about the garden management practises, recommendable crop spacing, factors to consider while planting, nutrition and malnutrition, food security, breast feeding practises, and food and its values. 

I went home with the seeds and explained to my wife what I had heard about the seeds, their maintenance and management for proper growth.

The small land which I had could only allow me to plant .5kgs of the seeds, so I gave out the rest of the seeds to two other people in my neighbourhood. I followed all the instructions from Onesmas and at harvest, I was able to harvest 45 kgs of the iron rich beans from the .5 kgs. that i had planted. In my cultural ways, broadcasting method of planting was being eployed, but after getting understand seed spacing, it helped me reduce the quantity of seeds I was planting and in turn being able to harvest a big produce.

Tukundane (Moses' wife) with their harvest of 
iron rich beans from seeds obtained from ACT

My family now access the iron rich beans which I believe will be an extra mile in mitigating the challenges of malnutrition especially in my two young kids aged 4 and 1. 

May God bless you, ACT, for work well-done in improving our nutrition and food security in Muko.

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  1. What a beautiful tribute to the work of ACT. Thank you Sue Waechter for sharing this.

  2. Wonderful news! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Inspiring! Learning and action! Heartfelt with feeding his family more nutritious food for healthier lives!❤️

  4. A powerful story about experiential learning, sharing, and sustainability!!!


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