Such a wonderful people...

"In the bleak midwinter..." the opening words to my favorite Advent carol, I sit watching the 9th or 10th inch of snow falling. While it's beautiful, I can't help but wonder what my friends in Muko are doing on a day like every other day in Uganda - about 70-75 degrees F and sunny or slightly overcast skies. For those of you who have not had the blessing to travel there, it is a gorgeous country. Muko Sub-County is between 6,000 and 6,400 ft elevation (much like Aspen, CO) but it sits just 400 or so km south of the equator. The days are pretty much the same weather all year round. They don't have summer, fall, winter or spring - they have wet seasons and dry seasons. The sun is constant in rising and setting, unlike our sun which moves closer to the horizon in winter. There is a reassurance in the sameness of the weather in Uganda. It was dubbed the Pearl of Africa by Winston Churchill. There are 56 different tribes in Uganda. The people of Muko are Bakiga (prono...