How We Roll...
ACT US accomplishes all we do with over 200 volunteers - no one in the US is paid, we are all volunteers. Many of us are retired and many of us spend a sizable amount of time doing the work! Many of us are former professionals in our careers and in keeping with being "business-like" and efficient, we use lots of processes. I thought you might be interested in seeing one of those.
Every month, each of the Team Leaders, prepare a summary of what has been going on for their team. We share these prior to the monthly ACT US Board meeting so that we don't spend time "reporting" during the meeting. This allows us to discuss more strategic things - like our Bold New Vision you read about last week!
ACT US is blessed to have the most dedicated and knowledgeable people involved as Team Leaders and members of our Teams. We have additional volunteers who do not sit on a team or the Board but who are none-the-less very busy sewing, writing, working handcraft sales, etc. You will learn about the Teams and who the Team Leaders are in this example of our monthly Team Update. You will likely also learn some details about some of our programs! And, most importantly, what it takes to run this organization.
So great to see all you hard working dedicated people. You are all awesome. Thank you for all you do.