Another Day In the Hotel Room
Day 4 for me (Sue). Tomorrow is the required quarantine time with another 5 days of masking. I am still not 100% - mostly fatigue still. No more fever or aches and little congestion at this point. Karen is about where I was 2 days ago - solidly in bed all day. Dave's symptoms seem a bit more mild than Karen and I had. He and I actually went outside to have some supper outside by ourselves and talked.
Barbara got home safely to Chicago flying through Brussels on United. Dick and Diana however, had a trip from hell. They flew from Uganda to Nairobi, Kenya. Their flight from Nairobi to Amsterdam was cancelled because the pilot got sick. They put them up in Nairobi for the night. The next day they got on a flight to Amsterdam knowing they would not make the flight from Amsterdam to the US. Another night in Amsterdam. We think they might be getting home soon as I am writing this! And hopefully, COVID-free!
Dave worked on ACT stuff on his computer most of today - more than I could do even on Day 4! I did type up one document. We had planned to have the day off tomorrow which was a good thing. Christopher will drive back from Kampala to Kabale tomorrow after taking the other three to Entebbe. Generous went back to Kampala and will return on Tuesday.
We are here in the "rainy season" and let me tell you - it's just like the Toto song about the rains in Africa!
Not much else to share for obvious reasons! Blessings to all...
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