Baby Shower Saturday

 Dear Friends and Family: We are missing you all!

We had an interesting and fun day today with our Ugandan friends. The morning began with Sue, Dick, and Karen baking a cake for the baby shower. Chef Titus and his assistant, Amos, were very helpful in showing us the kitchen which is located in another building. They loaned us mixing bowl, stirring whisk, pizza board for carrying the cake and Amos worked by our side to be sure we could calculate the temperature of the oven (measured in Celsius) and the variation in altitude (6,050 ft). Dave and Diana took a walk down a big hill to downtown Kabale where they purchased some Pringles, nuts and mints for the shower and Coke Zero for three members of the team and Diana had to purchase new scissors and machine needles for the sewers. 

By 11 am the cake was baked and we traveled to Muko where we assembled and frosted the cake. Balloons were blown up, strung together, and hung on the porch at the ACT Resource Centre. 

The shower was absolutely lovely! Diana conducted a game to guess the numbers of M&M's in a baby bottle. Prizes were won by four of our new parents. Dick talked to everyone about the current research in stimulating a child's brain from birth to 5 or 6 years old. He gave us ideas about games to play with the children like sorting family shoes or asking a child to "sit in the blue chair" rather than just saying "sit down". 

The cake reviews by our friends ranged from "too sweet" to "best cake I ever had". 

We also had a time of comparing American customs to Ugandan customs. We talked about the difference in Americans talking so much about an impending birth as compared to the Ugandans custom of keeping it secret. We learned that, in the village, women are concerned about people who may not be well wishers and they want to deliver a healthy baby before they announce it.


         ACT Assist HEAL Manager Thomas and his wife and child were playing 
the shower game of guessing the number of M&Ms in the baby bottle!

After the shower, the team drove up the road toward the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo where baboons come out on the road. We threw bananas out to several and Sue captured a video of one special critter. We are careful to stay in the van and keep our windows rolled up!The team is fairly tired- we came back for dinner and a game of SKYJO. Tomorrow will be another big day visiting the Church of Uganda.

We hope this finds you well- sending our love!  


  1. So glad to read about the baby shower and what an impressive cake! Very much looking forward to seeing pictures of the parents & their babies/children! Also good to know you managed to squeeze in a baboon viewing. Hope everyone gets a good rest, stays healthy, and that church goes well. Blessings on all of the travelers and our Ugandan partners.


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